Saturday, August 18, 2007


He rides swiftly, valiant from place to place
rescuing the lonely and the orphaned.

Large arms strong, tattooed, (not violent)
perfect for hugging a son or a daughter.

Today he says be strong, be who you are,
be proud, be yourself (and I am).

Later he'll sit quiet, alone in the dark,
needle in hand wondering where he went wrong.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

This Rock

I stood there, heart griping, hands racing
this rock on the side of the mountain.

Rapids flowing beneath me.

Halfway between sudden beauty and
breathtaking death.

"They" always tell you not to look down but
I put my face right in the water and drank.

And I stood there, soul stepping carefully, feet searching
this rock on the side of the mountain.