Saturday, March 21, 2009


As far as I can remember, we never really had much in common.

Never truly liked each other.

You wanted this while I wanted that.

You'd spit word after hateful word in my direction
(hoping for a reaction)
while I stared casually at my finger nails.

And we were never really, sincerely engaged until
we were in your bed.

Because the truth is, the only thing we ever had in common
was a mutual reverence for your penis.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I see this woman begging
every day in traffic.

Sitting there - lined up in our cars
waiting for the light we turn our faces
as she approaches
cup in hand.

And I wonder if one day I'll
look up and see your face.

And if you'll recognize your daughter
sitting there in traffic before
I turn my face away in shame
as you walk past my
closed window.